Steve Eckels — Mastering Fingerstyle Guitar
Стив Экельс: «Осваиваем гитару в пальцевом стиле».
Ноты, табы, звуковые примеры.
CHAPTER 1-Tone and Balance
Fingernail Care
The Free Stroke
The Rest Stroke
The Thumb
Alternating Rest and Free Stroke
Balanced Control
CHAPTER 2-Exploring the Harp
Harp Finger Pattern on Individual String
Harp Finger Pattern Using Two Strings
Harp Finger Pattern Using Three Strings
Harp Finger Pattern Using Four Strings
Harp Finger Pattern Using Five Strings
Harp Finger Pattern Using Six Strings
CHAPTER 3-Chord Formulas
Chords in 2nds
Chords in 3rds
Chords in 4ths
Mixed Intervals
Drop-Two Voicings
Drop-Three Voicings
CHAPTER 4-Sense of Touch
Gray Tones
Gray Tones Into Clear Tones
Relaxing The Left Arm
Shifting Technique: Impulse and Momentum
Pussy Footing
Square and Diagonal Frames
Bending Vibrato
CHAPTER 5-Fingerstyle Speed
Right Hand Preparation for Tremolo
Coordinating Left-Hand Patterns With Right-Hand Tremolo
Four-Note Left-Hand Patterns With Right-Hand Tremolo
Three-Note Left-Hand Patterns With Right-Hand Tremolo
Two-Note Left-Hand Patterns With Right-Hand Tremolo
One-Note Left-Hand Patterns With Right-Hand Tremolo
Speed Bursts
CHAPTER 6-Мodern Techniques
Expression And Invention
Left-Hand Tapping
Left-Hand Tapping With Pull-Offs
Left-Hand Tapping With Right-Hand Drumming
Left-Hand Tapping With Left-Hand Drumming
Left-Hand Tapping In Double Stops
Left-Hand Tapping In Double Stops With Pull-Offs
Left-Hand Tapping In Double Stops With Right-Hand Drumming
Left-Hand Tapping In Double Stops With Left-Hand Drumming
Right-Hand Tapping
Left- And Right-Hand Tapping in Triple Stops
Tapping Triple Stops With Right- and Left-Hand Drumming & Introducing «The Scrape»
Tapping Triple Stops in Triplets With Pull-Offs
Tapping and Slapping The Blues In E
Tapping and Drumming An A Minor Blues
Tapping A Walking Bass Line For A Blues In E
The Ostinato Pattern, Right-Hand String Stopping and Slap Harmonics
Tapping With Pull-Offs In Triplets
Tapping With Pull-Offs In Sixteenth Notes
Harmonics Combined In Intervals With Non-Harmonics
Artificial Harmonics
Harmonics In Alternation With Non-Harmonics
CHAPTER 7-Alternate Tunings
Dorian Tunings: С, G, Еb, А, D
Phrygian Tuning: С, G, Db, F, G, С
Lydian Tuning: C, G, D, E, F#, B
Mixolydian Tuning: С, G, Вb, Е, G, С
Major #5 Tuning: D, G, D, G, В, D#
Pentatonic Tunings: С, F, С, G, A, D
Creating Your Own Arrangements In Altered Tunings
Alternate Tunings Summary
Alternate Tuning Note Guide
CHAPTER 8-Arranging And Composing
The Creative Process-The Seed Metaphor
А «То Do … » List For Composers And Arrangers
Arranging Scarborough Fair
Rhythmic Variations
Motivic Variations
Melodic Elasticity
Same Rhythm, Different Melody
Harmonic Variations
Structural And Rhythmic Mapping
Playful Melodic Variation
pdf + mp3. Вес файла 201 mb, zip архив. На английском языке. 1998 г.