Скотт Хендерсон: «Аккордовая система джазовой гитары».
Ноты, табы, аккордовые диаграммы
The essential guide to jazz chord voicings and substitutions, complete with a color-coded method for over 500 essential voicings.
Players will understand chord functions and their harmonic possibilities better than ever before, as well as inversions, extensions, alterations, and substitutions.
Гитарная книга Скотта Хендерсона. Транскрибация Hemme Luttjeboer.
Ноты, табы, гитарные аккорды, звуковые примеры.
Artist Transcriptions Today’s leading fusion guitarist Scott Henderson presents his music in this collection complete with an introduction and performance notes for each tune.
As a special bonus we have included both the guitar and bass lines for each tune! 10 songs include: Elvis at the Hop * Nomad * Big Girl Blues * Mango Prom * и др.