Tom Kolb — Amazing Phrasing

Tom Kolb - Amazing PhrasingТом Колб: «Удивительные фразы».

Ноты, табы для гитары, звуковые примеры.

Книга содержит 89 примеров из разных стилей: рока, блюза, джаза, фанка.

Музыкальные примеры разбиты на 50 идей с точки зрения техники, фундаментальные: слайды, вибрато, хаммеры, пул-оффы и так далее, и на мелодические: мелодическая фразировка, секвенции, хроматизмы и тому подобное.

This book/CD pack explores all the main components necessary for crafting well-balanced rhythmic and melodic phrases. It also explains how these phrases are put together to form cohesive solos.

Many styles are covered rock, blues, jazz, fusion, country, Latin, funk and more and all of the concepts are backed up with musical examples.

The 50 ideas are divided into five main sections: The Basics covers fundamental but all too often forgotten techniques, such as slurs and vibrato, that can breathe new life into your phrases; Melodic Concepts explores various aspects of melodic phrasing, such as motifs, chromaticism and sequences; Harmonic Embellishments discusses the melodic potential of harmonic intervals (dyads), chords and chord partials; Rhythmic Concepts explores various aspects of rhythmic phrasing, such as accents, free-time phrasing and metric modulation, and how it pertains to melodic soloing; Solo Structure all of the topics discussed in the book come together to help form the big picture. The companion CD contains 89 demos for listening, and most tracks feature full-band backing.

pdf + mp3. Вес файла 80,4 mb, rar архив. На английском языке. 2002 г.

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