Tobias Hurwitz — Getting Your Sound
Тобиас Гурвиц: «Получи свой звук».
Ноты, табы, диаграммы. Звуковые примеры.
Гайд по гитарам, усилителям и эффектам.
Многих электро-гитаристов волнует вопрос — как найти «свой» звук.
Схемы соединения эффектов известных гитаристов и групп: Кобейн, Сатриани, Хендрикс, Ван Хален, SRV, Рэнди Роадз, Металлика, Сантана, Бостон.
How do your favorite guitarists get their sounds? Learn the setup secrets of the masters and find your own great sound with this manual for serious guitarists. Read about guitars, amplifiers and effects units and how to make your own gear work its best.
Each effect is covered in depth, and a special section details the setups of the masters, suggesting ways to recreate their sounds with basic effects available anywhere. A special section on the physics of sound is included. This is a must for every electric guitarist. A CD is available demonstrating all the guitars, amps, effects and master guitarists’ setups.
pdf + mp3. Вес файла 32 mb, zip архив. На английском языке. 1999 г.