Terry Syrek — Shred Is Not Dead

Terry Syrek - Shred Is Not DeadТерри Сайрек — «Шред еще не умер».

Мастер шреда Терри Сайрек учит технике скоростного звукоизвлечения и приемам игры на лидер-гитаре.

Ноты, табы, звуковые примеры.

Master shredder Terry Syrek makes it easy to become a rock lead-guitar virtuoso. Discover monster chop-building exercises and the secret to mind-bending, super-fast, sweep-picking licks. Plus, make creative use of the pentatonic scale and other scales you wouldn’t necessarily think of using.

What Syrek does is offer exercises (some extremely challenging!) for those who’ve already attained shredding status. The theory info would be completely out of place in a beginners’ shred book. There are no warm up exercises, just licks that start from relatively easy and progress, rather quickly, to a difficult level.

jpg + mp3. Вес файла 37,9 mb, zip архив. На английском языке. 2007 г.

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