Chris Buzzelli — Jazz Guitar Ensembles Level 1

Chris Buzzelli - Jazz Guitar Ensembles Level 1Крис Буззелли и сотоварищи: «Ансамбли джазовой гитары, уровень 1».

Ноты для ансамбля джазовых гитар.

Уровень 1 представляет простые ритмы, технически прост, и все партии в первую очередь исполняются в первой позиции. Они идеально подходят для начинающих заниматься гитарой и студентов, которые начинают читать стандартную запись. Каждый том содержит пять пьес. Аккорды и все партии гитары включены в книгу.

These beginning to advanced jazz guitar ensembles are written for four and five guitars by some of the best guitar ensemble arrangers in the business.

Arrangers include, Barry Greene, Dave Frackenpohl, Steve Schenkel, Andrian Ingram, and Chris Buzzelli. Not only are these fine performance pieces for ensembles, they are good material for sight-reading.

These graded volumes follow Mel Bay’s guitar grading system. Each chart in all three levels offers students the opportunity to improvise with rhythm guitar and, in some cases, background figures.

Level I presents simple rhythms, is technically easy and all of the parts are primarily played in first position. These are perfect for beginning guitar classes and students who are starting to read standard notation. Each volume contains five pieces for the price of what one ensemble piece usually costs. The score and all guitar parts are included in the book. In addition, the score, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th guitar parts can be downloaded.


Table of Contents

The Four of Us
Samba No. 1
Swing It
The Unicorn AwakesGUITAR 2
The Four of Us
Samba No. 1
Swing It
The Unicorn AwakesGUITAR 3
The Four of Us
Samba No. 1
Swing It
The Unicorn Awakes

The Four of Us
Samba No. 1
Swing It
The Unicorn Awakes

Samba No.
The Unicorn Awakes

The Four of Us
Samba No. 1
Swing It
The Unicorn Awakes

EPUB. Вес файла 10,1 mb. На английском языке. 2015 г.

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