Helen Winter — 36 Traditional Native American Songs For Recorder
Хелен Винтер: «36 традиционных индейских песен для блокфлейты».
Ноты, гармония.
Ani Couni. Arapaho Song. (Version 1)
Ani Couni. Arapaho Song. (Version 2)
Ani Couni. Arapaho Song. (Version 3)
Bebi Notsa. Creek folk song
Buffalo Dance. Kiowa folk song
Chippewa Lullaby. Chippewa folk song
Corn Grinding Song. Zuni folk song
Creek Duck Dance. Creek folk song. (Version 1)
Creek Duck Dance. Creek folk song. (Version 2)
Dust of the Red Wagon. Ute folk song
Eagle Dance Song. Algonquin folk song
Epanay. Sioux folk song
Happy Song. Navajo folk song
Hiya Hiya. Pawnee folk song
Ho Ho Watanay. Iroquois Lullaby. (2 versions)
Hosisipa. Sioux folk song
Hwi Ne Ya He. Presumably an Apache song
Happiness Song. Navajo folk song
Inuit Ice Cream. Inuit folk song
Inuit lullaby. Inuit folk song
Kayowajineh. Seneca Canoe song
Medicine Song. Apache Song
Moccasin Game Song. Navajo folk song
Mos Mos. Hopi folk song
Muje Mukesin. Ojibwe traditional song
My Paddle. Folk song
Nessa, Nessa. Ojibway Lullaby
O Hal’lwe. Nanticoke folk song
Okki Tokki Unga. Inuit fishing song
Pleasure Dance. Choctaw folk song
Sioux Lullaby. Sioux folk song
Song of the Deer Dancing. Chippewa folk song
Song to the Sun. Zuni folk song
Uhe’ Ba Sho. Omaha folk song
Wanagi Wacipi Olowan. Dakota folk song
Wioste Olowan. Dakota folk song
We n’ De Ya Ho. Cherokee Morning song
Ya Ya We. Wichita song
Zuni Sunset Song. Zuni folk song
EPUB. Вес файла 4,5 mb. На английском языке. 2021 г.