Stepfen Bennett — Master Anthology Of Fingerstyle Guitar Solos. Vol. 3
Стивен Беннетт: «Антология пальцевых гитарных соло от мастера. Том 3».
Ноты, табы, звуковые примеры.
12 accessible solos in several styles and tunings from various parts of the world.
Includes works by: Stephen Bennett, Tom Doyle, Howard Emerson, Joël Fafard, Tim Farrell, Simon Fox, Richard Gilewitz, Paolo Giordano, Phil Heywood, Sean McGowan, David Qualey, and Brad Richter. Written in standard notation and tablature for the intermediate to advanced guitarist.
1. Adirondack Lullaby — Stephen Bennett
2. August Performed — Sean McGowan
3. Crossing Crystal Lake — Howard Emerson
4. Fire of the Gypsy — Tom Doyle
5. First Pint — Paolo Giordano
6. Hard Times, Come Again No More — Brad Richter
7. Little Sister — Tim Farrell Megan
8. Wascana Cylcone — Joel Fafard
9. Mrs. Firecracker’s Place — Richard Gilewitz
10. One-Time Swing (Two-Time Fling) — David Qualey
11. The Fisherman — Simon Fox
12. The Thaw — Phil Heywood
pdf + mp3. Вес файла 81,5 mb, zip архив. На английском языке. 2005 г.