Mary Ann Harbar — Gypsy Violin
Мэри Энн Хабар: «Цыганская скрипка».
Цыганские мелодии России, Венгрии, Румынии, Бессарабии в исполнении Mary Ann Harbar.
Ноты, звуковые примеры.
This book contains practice tips, a helpful glossary, a short essay on the Gypsy touch and a fine assortment of approximately 50 annotated traditional Gypsy tunes from Russia, Romania, Hungary, and Bessarabia.
Based on many years of research, travel, and participation in slavas or Gypsy jam sessions, this long-anticipated book makes a significant and colorful contribution to the violin repertoire while providing a thorough grounding in the characteristic elements of the passionate Gypsy style. The CD is a stereo recording of every song in the book at performance tempo with piano accompaniment. Intermediate to advanced.
About the Author
Mary Ann Harbar earned her Bachelor’s degree and teaching credential in music from the University of California, with finishing classical studies and several performances in Switzerland and Italy. Since that time she has apprenticed with folk fiddlers of many nationalities, in addition to extensive transcriptions and studies from performances and recordings. She and her husband Greg have entertained international audiences studded with royalty, heads of state, and stars, with their Houston, Texas band, The Gypsies.
Abandoned (Elhagyatva)
B Minor Hora
Beautiful Blue Eyes (Aza Szep)
Beautiful Rose (Szep A Rozsam)
Bessarabian Girl (Bessarabyanka)
Bihari Kesergo
C Major Friss
Casino Csardas (Kaszino Csardas)
Cigarettes (Папиросы)
Clarinet Csardas (Klarinet Csardas)
D Major Hora
Dark Eyes (Очи черные)
Dobra Dobra
G Major Hora
Gloomy Sunday (Somoru Vasharnop)
Go Ahead Bug, Sting Me! (Csipd Meg, Bogar!)
Heavenly Csardas (Istenes Csardas)
Hey Delade
Hora From Bucovina (Hora Bucovinei)
I Like Dances From Somlecan (Drag Mi Jocul Somlecan)
If You Love Me, Never Leave (Fa Leszek, ha Fanak vagy Viraga)
Invitation To Dance (Most Kezdodik A Tanc)
Kalinka (Калинка)
March Hora (Hora Martisorului)
Mezosegi Hora (Mezosegi Tanc)
Moldavian Hora
My Gypsy Girl (Мои цыганочки)
No More Grey-Haired Ladies For Me (Nem Kell a Szoke)
Romanian Train Song
Swallows Flying (Repul A Szan)
Szureti Dance (Szureti Tanc)
The Basso
The Cottage With The Green Window Frames (Zoldablakos Kicsi Haz)
The Forest Is Even Prettier In The Fall (Szep az Erdo Oszel is Szep)
The Horse’s Head Can Handle My Sorrow (Nagy A Feje, Busculon a Lo)
The Loveliest Girl In The World (Csak Egy Kislany van a Vilagon)
The Old Gypsy (A Ven Cigany)
The Rajko School Song
The Wheat And Barley Are Scarce (Ritka Buza, Ritka Arpa)
Turquoise Bracelets (Бирюзовые колечки)
Two Guitars (Две гитары)
Whistling Hora (Futtyhora)
Your Blue Eyes Are Stunning (Jaj De Ket Szep Szeme van Maganak)
Your Red Polka Dot Dress (Piros Pettyes Ruhaskadban)
pdf + mp3. Вес файла 93 mb, rar архив. На английском языке. 2002 г.